Thursday, November 18, 2010

PSA brought to you by ANNA

I have a strong feeling that people who jog around at night, with nothing but a small flickering light clenched in their hand, have a death wish. Those tiny shining lights that these joggers carry with them give them a false sense of safety and an even falser sense of visibility. If your light is so small and so faint it can easily be mistaken for a firefly until a car is 2 feet away from you but still going 30 mph, you need to invest in neon reflective clothing and a Chilean miner headlamp. That is if you got to this blog post in time.

If your favorite time to jog is between 5 and 6:30pm, I would advise you to consider a gym membership. It’s dangerous to jog at night at any point but especially when all the weary eyed working professionals are driving home after a long day. When I drive home from work the only things on my mind are: What am I going to have for dinner? And when did I get in my car? Sometimes I get home and have to think of an exact moment that I was driving myself home to convince myself it really did happen. Rush hour drivers are too distracted already to have the energy to avoid hitting anything other than traffic.

Nighttime joggers, you have been warned.

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