I’ve given myself the challenge of living a year in Los Angeles. That is not to say that I am giving myself a year to break into the industry and become a successful comedy writer or Tina Fey’s best friend (still not sure which I want more) because I know that is unrealistic. BUT that is to say that if I’m just not feelin’ it after a year I give myself permission to leave. But a year in LA is on the horizon!
I’m here right now on a summer sublease, so my entire living situation is temporary. A sublease can never really feel like “home”. There are still the signs of the previous owner everywhere. In my case that is the “These Are The Days of Our Lives” slideshow CD that is sitting in the living room, it is the blown up picture of all the original roommates together resting nicely in the corner, and it is the Edward Cullen (the main character from Twilight for my non-Tween audience) poster tacked on the inside of my closet door. Eddie sure gave me a fright when I first closed my closet door fully to change. And my body can’t compete with Bella’s so I always keep the door open now so that Ed can’t look at me with those piercing yellow-flamed vampire eyes. I’m aware that I could just take this poster down, but, like I said, everything is temporary and I feel like I’m overstepping my bounds by taking the poster down.
I’ve noticed that when things are temporary I lower my standards immensely. For example, I won’t change the light bulb in my bedroom that flashes like a strobe light constantly. I’ve had to thank God every night that I don’t have epilepsy and I also ask that I don’t get vertigo over the duration of this summer sublease. This laziness also explains why I have not bothered to get stoppers for the wheels on my bed frame. Every time I sit down on my bed it glides across the wood floor to a new location. If there is an earthquake I can leave it in Mother Nature’s hands to reorganize my room. Sometimes I think that if there is an earthquake while I'm laying in bed looking at my strobe light on the ceiling, the combination of a moving bed and aggressive flashing light would no doubt leave me disoriented and most likely violently ill. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take because obviously the inconvenience of getting stoppers and a new light bulb outweighs the potentially dangerous repercussions. OBVIOUSLY.
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