Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baby Steps

The job/internship search continues. I am not having the best luck in finding an internship to replace the one that brought me out here (more on that later). But I have successfully applied for several assistant jobs over craigslist. One of the biggest problems is I know what I want to do, but when you type “being funny” into the search bar for craigslist or you don’t get the best results.
This search has brought me to the conclusion that finding jobs is dumb. How are you supposed to take all the knowledge you gathered in college and define it in one tiny word to fit into a search bar of a truly unhelpful website? I was an English major and am one of, if not the only, English major who does not want to be a lawyer or teacher—far too ambitious. I have real, completely obtainable dreams of being a comedy writer! And then there is the age-old dilemma of having lack of experience, and how is one supposed to gain experience if no one will hire you? And on top of it all, there are those parents (not mine, I have been lucky enough to have parents that are actually supporting this outrageous move to Los Angeles sans job) who are constantly on their child’s case about getting, not just a job, but a career. Well, listen up parents. None of us can get jobs because you are all still working. It’s not the immigrants stealing our jobs; it’s our own parents. Yeah, that’s right I just solved the immigration issue. That should be my job. Now who’s paying me?

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