Monday, June 14, 2010

I've Been Had!

Damn you craigslist and my naivety that everyone has a good, kind soul. My “job” was a SCAM. The secretiveness that I sensed was real, but the secretiveness was to keep ME in the dark, not keep a cool assignment under wraps. Thank goodness I caught this, with the help of my brother, google scams and realistic thinking, before anything went too far. So, back to the drawing board on the job front.
Now to update you on the two other current endeavors of my life in LA: writing and finding friends. I am pleased to say that I have one friend here. His name is Jason and he’s also from Colorado. Combined we still have NO idea what to do in LA. The other day we walked along the boardwalk so far we spanned 2 cities, we were on the brink of entering Mexico but we didn’t bring our passports so we had to turn around. We encountered a few drunkards along the walk and were tempted to exchange phone numbers with them because they had already proved themselves to be cool. If I've learned anything in the past 22 years it's that public drunkeness is cool. Other than walking, we haven’t quite gotten the hang of what to do/where to go. But I can confidently say we have mastered walking. We’ve tossed around the idea of posting an ad on craigslist of “cool people seek another cool friend who does fun things”. And unlike a few other things I know on craigslists, this is not a scam.
I went to dinner with a friend from college last night, and it was one of the best nights so far in LA. It combined all the things I care about: casual drinks, the Lakers game, food and recapping funny situations of our friends from afar. So Sears if you are reading my blog, you've now made the list of my friends in LA. Be proud it's a super exclusive list. There are only two people on it.
Now as far as writing, this blog is where I am spitting quite a bit of my creative energy, but my brother and I are hard at work on mock episode for the TV show "How I Met Your Mother". We are planning on entering in a fellowship competition that would hopefully get us PAID. Not only in money but in experience. Most of you readers know that I am borderline obsessed with How I Met Your Mother, and those of you who don't know that obviously don't know me and have no business reading this blog. JUST KIDDING. read on, but also see the show because it is the best show on television.

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